dinsdag 26 november 2013

Morning heel pain


Morning heel pain is a very common complaint and is particularly acute among those with a heel injury. Usually, morning heel pain is experienced when first getting out of bed in the morning. The pain may begin after placing weight on the heel after any period of extended rest, such as after waking up in the morning. After a long night's sleep, this pain can be almost unbearable. Luckily, this type of heel pain in the morning usually goes away while walking throughout the day as the tissue warms up.

Many factors can contribute to morning heel pain and the conditions that cause it. In most cases,
plantar fasciitis is what causes heel pain in the morning. This condition occurs when small tears and inflammation develop along the plantar fascia ligament, which runs along the length of the bottom of the foot. Millions of people suffer from this condition and it is the most common condition that affects the heels of the feet. It may also be responsible for morning heel pain.

Another common condition that causes morning heel pain is the presence of a
heel spur. This condition is characterized by a bony growth that extends from the heel bone, or calcaneous, into sensitive tissue in the heel. When getting out of bed in the morning, or getting up after long periods of rest, the spur can dig into tissue in the heel, causing severe pain. Pain usually subsides as tissue adjusts around the spur, but can often return later in the day.

The two conditions mentioned above are among the most common ailments responsible for morning heel pain. Rest or further walking can often cause discomfort to subside throughout the morning. When resting, the weight on the feet is reduced, thereby reducing pain that may be generated from inflamed tissue and/or a pointed spur. But it may quickly reoccur when placing weight on the area suddenly.

When treating morning heel pain, the specific condition responsible for pain should be addressed directly. In most cases, conservative treatments for plantar fasciitis and heel spurs are usually most effective. One such simple treatment is through orthotic shoe inserts.

The best thing about orthotics is that they actually provide treatment while you are on your feet, when your need them the most.

Rudy van der Lubben

The Walker Podologie Co., Ltd.

Pattaya – Jomtien
View point Village
138/41 Moo 12, Soi Chaiyapruk
Tel: 038 232543 Mobil 08-7133-1280

maandag 15 juli 2013

ความเข้าใจ ในเรื่องเท้า...

เท้าเป็นส่วนสำคัญ พื้นฐานของร่างกาย
80 %   ของประชากรมักมีปัญหาเกี่ยวกับเท้า อาการเจ็บปวดเท้าเป็นสาเหตุของความไม่สบายจากการทดสอบทางวิทยาศาสตร์ได้พิสูจน์แล้วว่า ความไม่เป็นระเบียบของกระดูกเท้า สามารถนำไปสู่ความผิดปกติของร่างกายได้มากมายเช่น
ปวดกล้ามเนื้อ ปวดตามข้อ ปวดเท้า ปวดสะโพก ปวดหลัง และปวดหัว (ไมเกรน)

1.มีความผิดปกติมาแต่กำเนิด หรือถ่ายทอดทางกรรมพันธุ์ เช่นมีลักษณะของ ฝ่าเท้าแบน, ฝ่าเท้าโก่ง-สูงเกินไปหรืออาจจะมีลักษณะของความสั้นยาวของขาที่ไม่เท่ากัน
2 .อาชีพที่ต้อง ใช้เวลาเดินหรือแบกรับน้ำหนักเป็นส่วนมาก
3.มีน้ำหนักตัวเพิ่มขึ้น / ความอ้วน
4.การเสื่อมสภาพของกระดูกตามอายุ ,การขาดสารอาหาร,การเปลี่ยนแปลงระดับฮอร์โมนในร่างกาย
5.เกิดจากอุบัติเหตุ หรือการออกกำลังกาย
6.เกิดจากการสวมใส่รองเท้าส้นสูง หรือรองเท้าที่มีปลายแหลมบังคับนิ้วมากเกินไป


donderdag 16 mei 2013

Weekend Warrior Syndrome

Weekend Warrior Syndrome

Do you suffer from Weekend Warrior Syndrome (WWS)?

Definition: someone who is committed to a sport or activity but, based on life, work, and family demands, has limited time to participate or train for that activity.

Doing more than your training allows can often cause injury. Too much training without the rest can also do the same by causing overuse injuries. It is up to you to create the right balance.

Some tips for injury prevention:

  1. Wear and use all the proper gear and equipment for your sport
  2. Warm up – it’s necessary for every activity
  3. Play by the rules – they are there for a reason
  4. Train properly for your sport – skills training and proper body mechanics – use a certified coach
  5. Listen to your body – pain is a sure sign of injury.

Evidence has shown that injuries are not unlucky “accidents” but predictable events that are in most cases preventable

What should you do if an injury does occur such as a strain or a pull?


REST – as soon as an injury occurs.
ICE – the injured area to stop swelling
COMPRESSION – prevents swelling and gives the injured area support
ELEVATION – reduces blood flow to the injured area, which also prevents swelling

Foot health and ageing

zondag 10 februari 2013

“Put Your Feet In Good Hands”

“Put Your Feet In Good Hands”

Mobility is one of the most important human functions.  No matter what ‘walk’ of life you come from, if you can’t easily get around by walking your life can be very restricted.
Not only is mobility important, walking is the basic function that keeps our whole body healthy.  It’s common knowledge that becoming sedate gets us out of shape physically which can bring on medical complications.  Failure to exercise creates progressive physically harmful conditions and walking is the easiest and best form of exercise.  However, if we hurt when we walk be become sedate which causes us to gain weight, which in turn makes it more difficult and painful to walk thereby further causing our health to deteriorate.
To keep in shape, months ago I started a daily program of walking three kilometers up and down the Pattaya Beach walkway, but I quit because my feet, knees and hips hurt too much.  I dismissed my discomfort as aging, but little did I know that body aches and pains, including foot, ankle, knee, hip, back, neck and even headaches, can be caused by common foot disorders that can be corrected.
We’ve all heard of club feet, flat feet, high arches, falling arches, rheumatoid arthritis, getting bunions and so forth, but there are many additional problems that can affect our ability to stand and walk normally and comfortably without pain.  Doctors may treat your pain with painkillers but fail to diagnose and correct the cause.  To really get your problems corrected so you can get back on your feet you need the expertise of a Podiatrist.  There is only one Podiatrist in all of Thailand.  He has two clinics, and luckily for us one of them is located in the Pattaya area.
Twelve years ago Rudy van der Lubben of Holland opened the first and only Podiatry Clinic in Bangkok.  He received his college education in Podology in Holland and his practice is accepted in both the Netherlands and by the Ministry of Health in Thailand.  
The first thing that will ease your mind is that the cost of getting your feet corrected is normally quite minor and may even be covered by your insurance. Rudy will discuss that with you.  Also, unlike in the past when orthotic corrections had to be worn for the rest of your life, with today’s technology many sufferers can be cured within a year. Children, whose bones are still developing, are often corrected in as little as a few months.
Being fitted with orthotic corrections begins with an inexpensive but thorough examination to determine if your problems can be corrected.  During the examination Rudy will take a blueprint of your footprint.  You’ll be amazed when you see it.  Did you know that your footprint is different when standing compared to walking (static and dynamic)?  He checks both and determines if you are wearing the correct size shoes and what orthotic corrections may be required.  He also measures pressure and heal position with a Podoscopie, thoroughly examines your feet (palpation), measures your height and weight and will tell you immediately if he can help you.  Rudy is proud of his 100% satisfaction record, so if he determines he can help you, you can be confident he will comfortably get you back on your feet.
Of serious concern to diabetics is the very real possibility of eventual amputation of their feet.  This may be preventable through Podiatry.  Correct walking creates better blood circulation.  If you are diabetic, do right by yourself and see if Rudy can ward off this horrible possibility.
Did you know that having a hip or knee replacement can change the alignment of your legs and how you walk?  Without therapy and maintenance, new problems may occur.  This can easily be prevented with orthotics.
Whether you suffer bunions, curvature of a toe, a heal spike, ulcerated skin or any other problem which prevents you from walking normally and painlessly, have Rudy examine you today.  If you are favoring one leg or both, it puts your body out of balance which affects your whole wellbeing.  Remember, there is a difference in ‘stepping’ and ‘walking’ effortlessly and painlessly with a normal gait.  See Rudy as soon as possible and get yourself walking comfortably again.  Your aching body will thank you.
“The Walker” foot clinic is located in  138/161 Soi Chaiyapruk  Call Rudy today for an appointment: 038-232-543 or 087-133-1280, or email him at:info@footclinic.asia. You can also find additional information at his website:www.footclinic.asia.

zaterdag 9 februari 2013

Met de groeten aan je voeten!

Met de groeten aan Uw voeten!

Behandeling van voetklachten in Thailand zijn zowel in Bangkok en Pattaya mogelijk. 13 jaar geleden heeft The Walker Podologie Co.,Ltd zijn deuren in Bangkok geopend om te helpen bij voetklachten en klachten hierdoor zoals, Enkel, Knie, Heup Rug en Nekklachten. Veel Expats van over heel de wereld bezoeken Foot clinic The Walker  in Pattaya en  Bangkok. Waarschijnlijk wordt dit jaar ook een Foot clinic in Shangmai geopend. Boven verwachting bezoeken ook veel Thaise inwoners Foot clinic De Walker. The Walker maakt gebruik van steunzolen /orthotics en Arch support en deze worden vervaardigd met de nieuwste technieken en materialen.
Uniek is dat bij spoed of tijdelijk verblijf in Thailand de steunzolen binnen 24 uur kunnen worden geleverd.

Steeds meer ouderen met loopklachten!
Voetklachten en voetpijn komen heel vaak voor. Naar schatting ondervindt 75 procent van de bevolking wel eens een voetprobleem.
De menselijke voet bestaat uit 26 botjes, 33 gewrichten, 107 ligamenten (band van bindweefsel om een gewricht) en 19 spieren en pezen die tezamen de bijzonder ingewikkelde bewegingen om te kunnen lopen mogelijk maken.
Een mens maakt gemiddeld 8.000 stappen per dag en met iedere stap wordt de druk van 2 á 3 keer het lichaamsgewicht op voeten en enkels uitgeoefend.
Daarbij gaat wel eens wat mis en al helemaal als er slijtage optreedt door ouderdom.
Mensen worden gemiddeld steeds ouder en daarmee stijgt het aantal voetklachten en klachten die voortkomen uit een verkeerde stand van de voeten.
Steeds meer 50-plussers melden zich dan ook bij de Foot clinic The Walker.
Bij het ouder worden slijten de voeten. Het vetpolster onder de bal van de voet en de hak kan dunner worden. De ligamenten in de voeten worden minder sterk waardoor de voeten meer gaan doorzakken.
Daardoor zullen de spieren harder moeten werken om de voeten en daarmee het hele lichaam in balans te houden. Hierdoor kunnen vermoeidheids- of overbelastingsklachten ontstaan.
Mensen merken ook letterlijk op dat hun voeten “groter en breder” zijn geworden.
Dat ene paar schoenen waar altijd prima op gelopen werd, zit dan ineens niet meer zo prettig of het zeswekelijkse bezoek aan de pedicure moet ineens vervroegd worden vanwege die ene vervelende likdoorn die er eerst nog niet zat.
Een wandeling kan niet meer goed gemaakt worden omdat de voeten en benen pijnlijk en vermoeid aanvoelen. Voor hulp bij dergelijke klachten wordt steeds vaker Foot clinic The Walker bezocht.

Momenteel telt Thailand maar 1 bedrijf, die zich bezighoud met (preventieve) behandeling van klachten aan voeten, knieën, benen, rug en nek.

Meer informatie kunt U vinden op www.footclinic.asia

Met de groeten aan Uw voeten!

maandag 4 februari 2013

Thai Boxing and injury!

Recently a man called me for an appointment. He had made a forward kick on punching bag.
On the inside of his Ankle was a sensitive spot.Pressing this place gave pain under his heel.
Investigations revealed that he suffered from, Carpal Tunnel Syndrome.

Tarsal tunnel syndrome (TTS), also known as posterior tibial neuralgia, is a compression neuropathy and painful foot condition in which the tibial nerve is compressed as it travels through the tarsal tunnel.[1] This tunnel is found along the inner leg behind the medial malleolus (bump on the inside of the ankle). The posterior tibial artery, tibial nerve, and tendons of the tibialis posterior, flexor digitorum longus, and flexor hallucis longus muscles travel in a bundle through the tarsal tunnel. Inside the tunnel, the nerve splits into three different segments. One nerve (calcaneal) continues to the heel, the other two (medial and lateral plantar nerves) continue on to the bottom of the foot. The tarsal tunnel is delineated by bone on the inside and the flexor retinaculum on the outside.
Patients with TTS typically complain of numbness in the foot radiating to the big toe and the first 3 toes, pain, burning, electrical sensations, and tingling over the base of the foot and the heel.[1] Depending on the area of entrapment, other areas can be affected. If the entrapment is high, the entire foot can be affected as varying branches of the tibial nerve can become involved. Ankle pain is also present in patients who have high level entrapments. Inflammation or swelling can occur within this tunnel for a number of reasons. The flexor retinaculum has a limited ability to stretch, so increased pressure will eventually cause compression on the nerve within the tunnel. As pressure increases on the nerves, the blood flow decreases.[1] Nerves respond with altered sensations like tingling and numbness. Fluid collects in the foot when standing and walking and this makes the condition worse. As small muscles lose their nerve supply they can create a cramping feeling.

Treatments typically include rest, manipulation, strengthening of tibialis anteriortibialis posteriorperoneus and short toe flexors, casting with a walker boot, corticosteroid and anesthetic injections, hot wax baths, wrapping, compression hose, and orthotics. Medications may include various anti-inflammatories such as Anaprox, or other medications such as UltracetNeurontin and LyricaLidocaine patches are also a treatment that helps some patients.

Very important to limit the pronation of the foot.
We do this with Orthotics with general success.
prof. Rudolf